First of all , I apologize for my absense and I thank those that continue to support , re-read and commented on old posts and even those that messaged me asking "where the hell those damn posts at homie?" It was then I realized that there are people out there that actually look forward to these posts.
While my goals of productively contributing to the corporate world while aslo creating "something of my own" out of my passion came together pretty nicely in 2013 I will admit that I was constanly struggling to juggle both. It was like the more I tried to give my passion the attention it needed the more my corporate duties got demanding. Soon , I was physically worn out and I ran myself into an emotional rut thinking about where could be if I exerted all the energy that I'm putting into my 9-5 into what I really love. The long and short of it is that I had to tek weh myself for a little while to gather my thoughts and come up with a way forward that would allow me to be proficient at my job and successful at my hustle. It is clear that this year proper time management will be of utmost importance while I keep in mind that everything is a work in progress.
On another note , while we all aim to be the best at our jobs and climb the corporate ladder I believe that you should have something you can call your own , something that you can watch grow and reap the benefits. If you love fishing then on the weekends you should be at sea catching fish , who knows , maybe you can get a contract to supply seafood to hotels or even open your very own Seafood and Fresh Food Supermarket.That feeling you get from seeing something that grew from just a thought in your head bring you much success will give you a feeling that no promotion at a 9-5 can give you. The point I'm trying to make is if there is something you love doing that brings you peace of mind and has the potential to make you money or is making you money then you are #WINNING at life ....point.blank.period.
Is anyone still reading this long ass post?
As it relates to the get-up ; it was just a pair of baggy pants , leather jacket and cap I threw on the day took part in the grande market festivities last Christmas.. no biggie. Truth be told if there was a blogger I followed religiously and she didn't blog a thing in over 3 months and then came with this I would be like "screw this chick" and close the tab with a quickness but stick with me little fashion-bunnies ....this is just the cherry-popper.
love it I love your outfit! great style
My girl! First of all, yes we have all been waiting. Secondly your outfit is FABULOUS as usual. Where did you get that top? Thirdly, I myself have been on a social media hiatus especially...but I'm beefing up my instagram and blogging on occasion. I have some serious plans to get my life going this year and reading your post just inspires me so much. I suck at time management myself so I really hope to get a hold on things this year. February soon done! Time flies but we can do it. GOOD LUCK THALIA!!!