Birthdays onset a very strange feeling upon me ; on one hand its celebratory as I thank the good God for another year and on the other hand I feel as if I should have accomplished more at my age.Thus far I've followed the blueprint ; studied hard and got into a good High school , did well and went to a good University , graduated and got a job at a dynamic and innovate company but yet I find myself lamenting on the decisions I've made and whether or not I am living up to my true potential.Sometimes I ponder on the future so much that it stresses me out.
My friend and I share the same birth month and on her birthday she was crying as she wasn't sure if she liked the direction her life was taking. In an effort to console her I somehow consoled myself as I realized that growth is not only measured in the tangible and material things we acquire but also in the way we think and analyze situations , the ability to let go of certain things that hold us back and gain way more whether through new friendships or just further self realization and maturity.
I know this is a fashion blog but I just felt that I had to say that for all the twenty something and early thirty something year olds that is just trying to chart their path through this unpredictable World.
By the way , today is my Birthday (March 2) and I will be at work so I am looking forward what to what my friends and family have in store for me on the weekend. Last year , my family took me to a beautiful restaurant in the capital, it was an initiate affair as usual. Some of the pictures from that night in 2014 ...